Thursday, March 12, 2009

Out With The Old, In With The New

What is it with you ladies and your man's Ex-girlfriend? You act as if we just broke up with them 2 days ago. My girlfriend and I can't do anything without passing the, "Did you go do that with (Fill in the blank)?"

It could be a Wednesday night and we're just sitting around watching TV. I turn to her and say, "You hungry? Want to get a quick bite at Olive Garden?" I know the Olive Garden isn't that great but its fast, semi good, and right down the street! Of course she responds, "Really?! You want me to go to her favorite place to eat?" (I must have told her sometime in prior to this conversation that my Ex liked The Olive Garden.)

You'd think that's where the conversation would end. But you're dealing with the girl who never forgives or forgets! She kept on by saying, "Why don't you just call her up and you two can go rekindle your love! Blah blah blah!" All I wanted to do was get some cheap Italian food!

It's not only food. It's everything and anything that was associated with my Ex. If I had made the mistake of telling her that my Ex "liked this" or my Ex "did that", I am pretty sure what ever my Ex liked or did with me, was out of the question with my current revengeful girlfriend.

There's a list of shit I can't eat or do now because I had an Ex-girlfriend sometime in the past:
  1. The Olive Garden
  2. Any movie I saw with my Ex
  3. Any place I had gone on special dates on with my Ex
  4. Vacation destinations I had gone on with my Ex
  5. For use at my girlfriends discretion to say, "I'm sure you did it with your Ex!"
  6. The state of which my Ex's parents live in
  7. Wear clothes my Ex had given me
  8. Use my sexual play list and/or song I used with my Ex
  9. Play the movie or song that was called "our song/movie" by my Ex
  10. Names my Ex and I had for our unborn children

It's not the fact that I can't do these things anymore. It's the fact that you not only ban them, like the internet to the Chinese, but you barrade me with the, "Why don't you just do it with her?". That type of immaturity gets to me.

If I wanted to be with her and eat at the Olive Garden I would. But I want to go with you, and its not because its nostalgic or that it makes me think of her.

You don't see us telling you to take off those earrings, thongs, and purses your Ex bought you. You don't see us bitch and complain about watching a movie you once saw with your douchebag Ex boyfriend. You will never hear us tell you to call your asshole Ex boyfriend to rekindle your love. Why? Because we keep shit like that to ourselves. I suggest you do the same.

So take it from a Lending Hands perspecitve, when I ask you to do something I had done prior in my life don't make it a battle of you vs. my Ex girlfriend. Just keep it to yourself and go have the never ending pasta bowl at the Olive Garden.

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with the majority of your blogs, including the irritation of being chastized in a current relationship for something you've done in the past. However, there is a little olive branch I feel inclined to extend to you on behalf of current girlfriends everywhere.

    A very simple way to avoid this entire scenario from recurring is to stop talking about your ex.

    There's no reason your girlfriend should know that much information about your ex in the first place. What is the point of talking about your ex's favorite restaurant, movies you saw together, special dates... and worst of all, sexual playlists & baby names? Are you serious? Regarless of whether or not they nag or complain to you about it, nobody wants to hear that kind of unnecessary information. After offering up all those irrelevant and intimate details, you're lucky that your girlfriend has stuck around long enough to give you a hard time about it.

    Sure, there are a few crazies out there who act a jealous mess and make us all look bad. Typically this is an issue that can be easily avoided if you take your own advice and "keep shit like that to yourself."

    Out With The Old, In With The New.
