Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Jackass

Every girl knows how it goes. When he's around you he couldn't be any more perfect. He says the sweetest things, cuddles you, and watches Sex and the City with you.

Even around your girlfriends he is the nicest guy. He's engaged in the conversations and provides his opinion. This can't be true! Not only is he the cuddle bug in bed but you can bring him out to see your friends too!

Then it happens. Just when you thought nothing could bring this "relationship high" down, you see how he acts around his friends.

One moment you're twirling around in the park on a clear sunny day, and before you know it the clouds roll in and rain on your parade.

What the hell happened?! He was such a great guy around my friends and behind closed doors, but in front of his friends he's a total dick.

There is something ladies should know about when men congregate together. Guys have a little chemical problem called testosterone, and when multiple guys get together in a room all of the testosterone combines to become Captain Planet! Well not Captain Planet but something very Captain Jackass.

Once this metamorphosis occurs there is no stopping it. The dirty jokes, the vulgar comments about the girl on TV, and the overall disrespect towards women.

So why do we do this? It's very simple. We have an animalistic urge to beat our chest and yell at the top of our lungs. We want to show you that WE ARE MEN! The problem is, we don't know that the demonstration of uber badassness actually acts as a repellent to any women in a 30 mile radius.

Call it ignorance, but ignorance is bliss. If you don't tell him it bothers you, he'll keep doing it. He won't grow out of it, if that is what you are thinking.

My advice to you is to take him aside and tell him that you don't like how he acts differently in front of his friends. Atleast you've spoken your peace. Chances are that he won't heed your words and stop, but atleast you said something. Just understand that he can't help it. Let him be a guy around his guy friends. Just shake your head and know that it's not because he doesn't respect you, it's because he's a guy.

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